
Everything is so loud...
I wanna be just like a melody, Just like a shooting star...

About Me!

Hello there! I go by the name SushiBoss2 online on most platforms, but my real name is Zen, obviously I'm not gonna tell you my full name so we can just keep it at that.

Some of the things I like include:

building websites, unfortunately I didn't get to refine this website to it's maximum as I have a pretty short due date, but I really love making website and especially ones with the personal feel to it, I say take back the web!

playing bass, I switched over to bass a few months ago because I was a struggling guitarist, and I just felt more of a connection to bass instead of the guitar, so I've been playing bass pretty recently.

game dev, games have been a pretty big part of my life, ever since I was a kid I was playing games, I am currently also the coordinator of games and other programs in my student council, as a teenager I was playing more story centric singleplayer games and I think that's what sparked a love for games even more and ever since I've been learning game dev and trying to surpass it's very many difficult obstacles.

music production, I tried getting into music prod cause I needed to for game dev, but I guess I never really tried to learn anything and more just mess around, then I was talking to an music artist who I really respected and thought from there, huh? maybe I can do this too. and ever since I've been learning different genres and its definitely a treat! And has given me more appreciation for music than ever before!
